Cape San Blas

A recent trip to Cape San Blas with my amazing-in-every-way fiancée and her family brought my beautiful sunsets, a gentle tide, and boundless relaxation. Below are some of my favorite pictures from this trip.

This was the result of a 15 minute long-exposure using the 35mm F/2, iso 125. If you look really closely at the star trails, you can see where the camera strap caught the wind, moving it slightly and making the resulting trails slightly wavy
This was the result of a 15 minute long-exposure using the 35mm F/2, iso 125. If you look really closely at the star trails, you can see where the camera strap caught the wind, moving it slightly and making the resulting trails slightly wavy
My gorgeous fiancée <3
My gorgeous fiancée <3
Water droplets caught in the porch screen gave this beautiful effect
Water droplets caught in the porch screen gave this beautiful effect
Another picture of the same boardwalk. This one had the honor of being the masthead image.
Another picture of the same boardwalk. This one had the honor of being the masthead image.
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